What To Expect

As osteopaths, we have a highly trained sense of touch. We use our palpation skills to identify points of weakness, tenderness, restriction or excessive strain, as your pain may be linked to a problem elsewhere within the body. This will allow us to diagnose your problem which we will discuss with you before commencing treatment.

Your first appointment

On your first visit the initial consultation will include a confidential medical history about your current problem and general health including any previous injuries. This is followed by examination and treatment when we explain our findings and treatment approach. We will look at your posture and observe how this may change as we ask you to make some simple movements to observe your mobility and find any adaptions you are making as a result of your problem.

For the initial examination, we normally ask you to undress to your underwear, if you are comfortable doing so. We may also incorporate special tests such as tendon reflexes and muscle strength when necessary.

What To Expect First Appointment
What To Expect Treatment


Treatment involves a combination of hands on treatment techniques from soft tissue stretch and massage, rhythmic articulation and adjustments (clicking). These adjustments are quick movements using levers to gap the joint using minimal leverage, osteopaths are highly trained for four years for these techniques. We only use this where the patient is informed and happy to consent.

We also advise on lifestyle, activities and practical exercises specifically tailored to you.

Ongoing care

Our follow up treatments are usually for 30 minutes, 45 minute follow-ups are also available, and normally between 2-6 sessions are required. The initial consultation is longer to allow for a full case history, examination and treatment.

If you have a problem or pain caused by repetitive, sedentary or work-related activity then periodic treatments may help you to change this pattern to avoid the problem recurring.

If further medical treatment or referral is needed, we may contact your doctor, with your permission.

What To Expect Ongoing Care

Due to the physical nature of the treatment, it is not unusual to sometimes feel sore or stiff in the first 24-48 hours after treatment. We will explain any likely reactions that you could expect. If you have any concerns, it is important to contact us so we can give you advice.

We do our best to help you feel at ease and happy for you to ask questions throughout your treatment if you need further clarification or have any concerns.

We ask that an adult accompanies children under 16 receiving treatment.

Southfields Osteopaths Stickmen logo

Here at Southfields Osteopaths we plan treatments to suit your individual needs and offer advice on posture, self-help and appropriate exercises in order to prevent your symptoms recurring.

By taking a detailed medical case history, we consider your symptoms in the context of your health and your lifestyle. Then we can work together to devise a plan on how to prevent re-occurrence of the injury or strain to include tailored exercises to maintain the benefits of your treatment.

Osteopaths are highly trained healthcare professionals who are recognised by the NHS and BMA as a discrete clinical discipline and fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently.

We can help your body work better for you

So why not pay attention to those niggles today and call us to see how we can help You?

Our fees and charges

Initial Consultation

45 mins


Follow Up Sessions

30 mins


Follow Up Sessions

45 mins


Late evenings and Saturdays also available

Southfields Osteopaths Map

Get In Touch

Call us on 020 8870 0822 to book an appointment and see how you can benefit from osteopathic treatment.

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