Covid 19 Update

The following details the precautions we have in place to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19

There are many changes and adaptions that we have all had to make living with the recent coronavirus pandemic of Covid-19.

At Southfields Osteopaths in accordance with our governing body and Public Health England (PHE) we are following the Covid-19 guidance on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and social distancing. We are constantly reviewing our policy and procedures in line with the changing status of this Pandemic and with any new Guidance. Depending on the Level of Risk at the time of your appointment, we will triage patients and for those who may need to return to Shielding, we are happy to give you advice over the phone. Moderate risk including those over 70 years or pregnant or immune-suppressed and you will be considered on an individual basis during the triage when making an appointment. We ask that you please wear a clean mask at all times.

Booking an appointment

Appointments are made over the phone in order for us to pre-screen for Covid-19 symptoms and to see if an appointment is suitable for you.

Your Arrival

We will be asking you to arrive no more than 5 minutes before you appointment to allow us time to clean between patients. Depending on the current level of risk the doors will be opened for you to pass directly to the treatment room to avoid unnecessarily touching anything. We will ask you to use hand sanitiser that we can provide or wash your hands. Please avoid bringing other family members unless a chaperone is required. We ask for you to wear a clean mask if you have one and minimise bringing any unnecessary clothing or bags.

The Treatment Room

The plinth and pillows are all waterproof and are disinfected between patients. There is also a wipeable plastic floor covering on the carpet. We are allowing sufficient time between patients to allow us to disinfect and ventilate the room.

Our Osteopaths

The osteopaths will be wearing face masks and aprons. There is a debate on the effectiveness of wearing gloves and this will taken on an individual risk assessment case basis. We will be thoroughly washing our hands and forearms before and after treatment.

Reception and Payment

Our reception staff may be present in the reception room which we may or may not be using for patients depending on the general level of risk at that time. Payments are made using our contactless pay machine taken by the osteopath or the receptionist who will also be able to book a follow-up appointment.

Whilst we are doing our best with regards to infection control we cannot eliminate all risk, especially as the virus can be asymptomatic. So please do consider the risk of infection versus the benefit of treatment when leaving your house for an appointment. We are happy to give you advice over the phone.

We ask that if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms such as high fever, persistent dry cough or loss of taste and smell, please let us know and do not attend. Please follow the government guidelines on self-isolation and Test and Trace and refer to the NHS website.

We trust this information will give you confidence in booking an appointment and we look forward to treating you to help you return to good health and pain-free.

When you book your appointment we will send you an email to confirm this with links to our forms, one for patient details and communication preferences and another for Covid Consent. Once completed these forms are submitted back to us.

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